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What Is The Cause Of A Yeast Infection - PMS

What Is The Cause Of A Yeast Infection

What is PMS? It's a conglomeration of symptoms that affect women, primarily during the week before their menstrual periods. 

Several times each week, the average American man or woman hears and reads about PMS. Frequent media attention has now made PMS a household word. I even ran across a cartoon showing one moppet whispering to his playmate (with an irate mother in the background): 

"Don't worry, Mama's PMS is making her grouchy." 

What Is The Cause Of A Yeast Infection

Treatments For A Yeast Infection

Treatments For A Yeast Infection


There are many reasons and I'll list only a few of them.

Treatments For A Yeast Infection

  • These physicians use a number of examinations and tests that help them make a diagnosis of an illness or disorder. These include a careful history, complete physical examination, x-rays, blood tests and other laboratory tests of many types. But in spite of comprehensive examinations, no tests are available that enable the physician to make a definite diagnosis of a yeast-related problem.

Ways To Treat Yeast Infection - Getting Help for Your Yeast-Related Problems

Ways To Treat Yeast Infection

Finding a health professional to help with yeast-related problems can be tricky these days when insurance companies squeeze pennies and physicians every which way.

During medical school, internship and residency training, most MDs and osteopaths (DOs) were taught to recognize and treat disease. Although curriculum changes are being made in many medical schools, most MDs and DOs in practice today received little training in promoting health.

In addition to your own primary care physician, there are many caring health care professionals willing to help:
Ways To Treat Yeast Infection

The Yeast Candida Albicans Causes - Psychological Factors

The Yeast Candida Albicans Causes

Psychological factors are important in people with every health problem, whether it is heart disease, arthritis, fatigue, headaches, depression or other symptoms commonly found in people with yeast-related problems. It is well documented that these factors weaken the immune system. For example, studies I've read in medical journals show that T-lymphocytes (the cells that protect people from viral and other infections) were significantly reduced following the death of a spouse or a child, making the person more susceptible to infection.
On a more positive note, the observations of the late Norman Cousins show that the immune system can be strengthened and recovery from many illnesses accelerated by laughter and other psychological nutrients. 

The Yeast Candida Albicans Causes

Yeast Infection Diagnosis - Diagnosis of a Yeast Related Disorder

Yeast Infection Diagnosis

How does your physician make a diagnosis? If you're bothered by any of the symptoms, particularly the women's disorders, it's essential for you to have a diagnostic workup that includes:
  • Your complete medical history. Such a history includes not only your present complaints, but also a very detailed medical history beginning with infancy.
  • A physical examination. It should include a gynecological examination and examinations of your skin, eyes, heart, lungs and other parts of your body. Your health professional should also really look at you. I always look carefully at my patients. Even people who say they are in reasonably good health often look pale with dark circles or bags under their eyes and/or a wrinkle across their nose. If they are not anemic, I am often able to connect these features to hidden food allergies that are usually caused by the person's favorite foods.
  • Laboratory examination. Tests, including blood tests, urine tests, stool examinations, X-rays and more complex laboratory studies. This will likely include a gastrointestinal evaluation panel for Candida albicans. With some health disorders, a diagnosis can be made easily. Here are examples:
Yeast Infection Diagnosis

Yeast Infections In Women - Why Women Are More Affected Than Men

Yeast Infections In Women

Women develop yeast-related problems more often than men, and perimenopausal (before menopause) women appear to be especially susceptible. There are probably several reasons for this.

In his classic book, The Missing Diagnosis, Dr. C. Orian Truss clearly describes the unique problems of women with candida-related health problems. He pointed out that countless women between puberty and menopause are troubled by vaginal problems, PMS, digestive symptoms, personality changes, concentration problems and a destructive loss of self-confidence.

Yeast Infections In Women

Yeast Infection How Do You Get It

Yeast Infection How Do You Get It

If you're bothered by vaginitis, vulvodynia, PMS or endometriosis, you've developed these problems because your immune system isn't as strong as it should be.

Other disorders that may bother you, including weight gain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, sinusitis and asthma, also develop because your immune system has been weakened and a Candida albicans overgrowth may have occurred, resulting in what experts call dysbiosis. This is a state of imbalance in the microorganisms of the digestive tract that results in disease. Dr. Cass explains to her patients that dysbiosis means "The bad bugs in the gut have outnumbered the good bugs. The goal is to restore balance, i.e., get rid of the bad and increase numbers of good guys."

Yeast Infection How Do You Get It

Causes For A Yeast Infection - Yeast Relationship

Causes For A Yeast Infection

What Is "The Yeast Connection"?

It is a term to indicate the relationship of superficial yeast infections in your vagina and digestive tract to fatigue, headaches, depression, PMS, irritability and other symptoms that can make you feel "sick all over."

Superficial yeast infections cause symptoms in distant parts of the body. Scientists say there are several possible reasons how this happens: Japanese researchers suggest Candida albicans puts out a variety of types of toxins that can weaken your immune system.

Causes For A Yeast Infection

What Can Cause Yeast Infections In Women - What Are They

What Can Cause Yeast Infections In Women

Yeasts are single-cell living organisms which are neither animal or vegetable. They live on the surfaces of all living things, including fruits, vegetables, grains and your skin. They're a part of the "microflora" which contribute in various ways to the health of their host.

Yeast itself is nutritious, and small amounts of yeasts give bread its light texture. Yeast is a kind of fungus. Mildew, mold, mushrooms, monilia and candida are all names that are used to describe different types of yeast. And one family of yeasts, Candida albicans, normally lives on the warm, inner creases and crevices of the digestive tract, vagina and skin.

What Can Cause Yeast Infections In Women

Signs And Symptoms Of Yeast Infections - Major Symptoms

Signs And Symptoms Of Yeast Infections


For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the Point Score column:

If a symptom is occasional or mild, 3 points
If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe, 6 points 
If a symptom is severe and/or disabling, 9 points 

Add total score and record it at the end of this section.

Signs And Symptoms Of Yeast Infections

Yeast Candida Symptoms - Are Your Problems Yeast Connected?

Yeast Candida Symptoms

If you ... feel sick all over,
  • have taken antibiotic drugs,
  • have sought help from many different specialists,
  • have taken birth control pills, 
  • are troubled by fatigue and/or muscle aches, 
  • are bothered by food sensitivities and/or digestive problems, 
  • crave sugar, 
  • sometimes feel spaced out, 
  • are bothered by depression and/or irritability 
  • are bothered by headaches 
  • Yeast Candida Symptoms

Is Yeast Overgrowth Real - Autoimmune Disorders

Is Yeast Overgrowth Real

"Auto" is the Greek word for self. The immune system is a complicated network that works to defend your body and eliminate infections, viruses and invasions of all types of microbes. It takes care of challenges of all sorts, ranging from colds and flu to wounds, and even cancer.

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system becomes confused and attacks the body, targeting its own cells, tissues and organs. When immune cells collect at a target site, inflammation occurs.
Is Yeast Overgrowth Real