There are many causes of endometriosis and other women's health problems that I discuss in this blog. Yet, based on reports I've received from physicians and other professionals, and from women who have written me, a treatment program for endometriosis should sharply restrict sugar. It should also include:
- a wide variety of nutritious foods
- prescription and nonprescription antifungal agents
- nutritional supplements
- the control or avoidance of chemical pollutants and molds in homes and workplaces
How To Know If You Have Yeast Infection |
Case Histories
I included the story of Mindy, who told of her severe endometriosis. It caused her debilitating pain, exhaustion, joint pains, insomnia, and difficulty in concentrating. She improved on a comprehensive program that included nystatin, vitamins, minerals and probiotics. And she said:
If I'm under stress or get sick, my symptoms recur, but generally I'm functioning pretty well. Whether what I have is an allergy or part of chronic fatigue syndrome, I don't know. All I know is that I have improved.
Judy, Michigan
Dear Endometriosis Association, I was astonished to read the article on the "yeast." It was like reading my own life history ... First of all, I have been treated for severe ache since the age of 15 with tetracycline. I have been on it almost continually in low doses for 17 years. I have also been on prednisone for short periods several times for inflamed ache cysts. I was on birth control pills for about three years in my early 20s.
During this period, I never had any symptoms of vaginal yeast infections, but I remember almost every time I had a routine pelvic examination, I was told I had a yeast infection, even though I never had any symptoms. I frequently had rectal itching from the tetracycline, and I also had an oral yeast infection. In the past few years, I have had several yeast infections with the symptoms of itching associated with them.
I was diagnosed as having minimal endometriosis by laparoscopy at the age of 27, although I had had painful menstruation since the age of 15. During the following three years, I had extremely painful menstrual periods and began having pain at other times. Two years ago, at the age of 30, I had a hysterectomy for extensive endometriosis. I still have one ovary which occasionally hurts, but my pain is greatly relieved ...
I've also found it very interesting to note that I've had many of the other symptoms you describe, which may be yeast-related. I have chronic nasal congestion and conjunctivitis throughout the year. I am sensitive to molds and perfumes. Testing showed I am allergic to molds. I've had various muscle aches off and on for at least 10 years. I have also had some strange neurological symptoms (vision problems, dizziness and poor balance, weakness in my right arm and leg), which come and go, for the past three years. A neurologist suspected multiple sclerosis, but all the tests were negative and no other cause has been found.
Diana, Illinois
Hi! I have just finished reading the article on "Endometriosis and Yeast" and had to write to you immediately. I found this article very encouraging. Let's hope this research is on the right track.
As I went through the list of possible connections between endometriosis and candida, I was amazed at how many symptoms I could relate to. I am very allergic to many things - trees, grass, weeds, etc., but also all antibiotics. I was given tetracycline when I was 16 for the treatment of ache and at 17 I had a very bad case of mononucleosis and was treated with cortisone.
When I was 19, I went on the birth control pill. The first few years were fine, but I started getting terrible cramps and was in pain for two weeks every month. I went to many doctors who all said it just couldn't be so because the pill was supposed to take away cramps, not give them. They all said it was in my head ... Soon after I went on the pill, I developed a spastic colon. I suffered for 11 years with terrible diarrhea, and then spells of constipation ...
I also went to many doctors regarding this problem, and they said it was my nerves and put me on various medications. Through my own research, I discovered I was allergic to eggs and milk. My diarrhea is much worse when I eat anything with eggs or milk in it.
I also can relate to the point about urgent or frequent urination. I just thought I had the weakest bladder in the world. My husband is amazed at how often I have to urinate. I must get up 3-4 times during the night.
I have a terrible problem with nasal congestion, which I contributed to my allergies. This problem is getting worse, and is going into my chest and feels like asthma because I can't get any air in and I wheeze ... I feel worse on damp days and get very congested. I constantly crave sweets and alcohol (but I seem to not be able to tolerate it well, and I don't feel very well even after only a few glasses of wine), and I can't stand being around people who smoke because it does make my symptoms worse.
I'm infertile due to my endometriosis and spend my entire time going to specialists, so of course, I get depressed ... I think the worst part of all this is how the medical profession has treated me. I have been to more doctors than I like to remember and they never seem to take my situation seriously. It is very frustrating.
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How To Know If You Have Yeast Infection |
Countless women with endometriosis have found relief and returned to health with the help of Mary Lou Ballweg and the Endometriosis Association. The yeast connection to this debilitating disease is becoming better established all the time. I recommend that women with endometriosis that is not responding to conventional treatment discuss the possibility of candida infection with their physicians. While candida is probably not responsible for all endometriosis, it plays a large role in many cases. To find out more, you can check out How To Know If You Have Yeast Infection.