Animal protein in the form of red meat, pork, chicken, turkey, and fish are questionable food sources as well for a variety of reasons. Pork, beef, chicken, and turkey that are not from organically raised animals also contain antibiotics and hormones.
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These are passed on to consumers and cause hormonal imbalances and yeast overgrowth. Pork contains higher concentrations of parasites because of what pigs are fed and the fact that pigs do not eliminate toxins efficiently. Red meat is more acidic to your body chemistry than chicken and turkey, especially when cooked beyond medium-rare, so organically raised chicken and turkey are better choices.
Unfortunately, fish also contain toxins because our oceans have become polluted with heavy metals and chemicals. Shellfish are particularly high in contaminants, as they are bottom feeders and absorb higher concentrations of chemicals and mercury. Stay away from canned tuna, as the mercury levels are very high. Fish such as wild-caught Pacific salmon, tilapia, and cod are better choices, but even so, finding clean sources for these fish can be a challenge.
Caffeine, whether in the form of coffee, soda, tea, or chocolate, is acidic and raises blood sugar levels. It stimulates the adrenal glands to release hormones that put the body into an adrenaline-rush response. This increases the heart rate, which releases stored sugar, causing the pancreas to kick out insulin to bring sugar levels back into balance. Overconsumption of caffeine this cycle, exhausting the adrenals and the pancreas, whose health we depend on for optimal energy. The rise in sugar also feeds candida overgrowth in the body.
If you do drink coffee, make sure that it is organic, as nonorganic coffee is the most chemically treated food product in the world. Decaffeinated coffee is even worse. Drink no more than one to two cups of organic coffee a day to avoid upsetting your adrenal gland function.
Alcohol is nothing more than refined sugar that goes directly into the bloodstream, where it increases blood sugar levels, feeds candida, creates an inflammatory response, and depletes vitamins and minerals in your body.
While you're on my 90-day program, if there's a day that you decide to indulge in alcohol, it is better to drink vodka because it is distilled and has less sugar than wine, beer, or champagne, all of which greatly increase candida overgrowth.
Food Allergens
Food allergies arise when there are imbalances in your gut, such as maldigestion from eating refined, depleted, and processed food. Large quantities of the undigested food particles irritate and pass through the lining of the GI tract, causing an allergic reaction in the bloodstream. The most common food allergies are to milk, corn, soy, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, nightshade vegetables (eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes), and wheat. Allergies to even healthy foods, such as certain fruits and nuts, can also arise when your digestive system is out of balance.
Gluten intolerance is alarmingly common. All grains contain gluten, a protein that is abrasive to the GI tract and therefore can strip the villi - the fingerlike projections attached to the intestinal walls that help to absorb nutrients and keep the gut clean of yeast and bacteria. Rye, oats, barley, spelt, kamut, and wheat have the highest concentrations of gluten. Staying away from these grains for one to three months will correct the problem unless you have celiac disease, in which case you are severely reactive to gluten and should avoid it entirely.
Soy is another food that has been a topic of debate. In America, the market is flooded with genetically modified (GMO) soy protein foods, processed tofu, and soy protein powders, which, some research has shown, may be harmful to your body. If you examine the diets of Asians, you will find that they use fermented soy products, such as miso and tempeh, and in small amounts. Soy in these forms is more digestible and high in essential amino acids and B vitamins. Unfortunately, fermented soy products are not allowed on the candida-cure diet because they can aggravate candida.
A lot of people are allergic to soy and experience gas and bloating when they eat it. If you have this reaction, I recommend avoiding soy products. There are also studies that say soy protein can disrupt thyroid function. Because the jury is still out on whether soy is good or bad for you, I feel that only small amounts of organic, non-genetically modified soy are acceptable for most people. Make sure the label says "non-GMO." To find out more, you can check out Diet And Yeast Infections.