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Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms - Sexual Dysfunction

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms

It's certainly not surprising that a woman with the multiple symptoms of candida yeast overgrowth would have little energy for or interest in sex.
Even if the inclination is there, frequently the pain from conditions like endometriosis, vaginitis, vulvodynia or interstitial cystitis may make even the thought, much less the act, of sexual intercourse unbearable.

There is little medical literature on sexual dysfunction and candida, but there is an interesting Australian study reported in the Australia-New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1999. It notes that was present in 21% of women participating in the study on vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS), an inflammation of the area around the vagina, frequently present in women with vulvodynia and often a cause of painful intercourse (medically called dyspareunia). When those women received long-term antifungal therapy, 71% were cured, the article's abstract says.

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms

Candida Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms - Evelyn's Story

Candida Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms

I was unusually healthy as an infant and young child. My mother tells me I was rarely sick and I wasn't troubled by allergies. During my teen years, I was bothered by menstrual cramps - nothing unusual. I married early and my son was born when I was 19. No significant problems on through my 20s except for moderate menstrual problems and occasional yeast infections.

Four years ago, I married again and beginning three years ago, my husband and I decided we would like to have a child. Although we used no contraceptives, nothing happened.

Candida Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms

Symptom Of Yeast Infection - Infertility

Symptom Of Yeast Infection

One American couple out of every six is troubled by infertility. This translates to about 10% of the adult population of reproductive age, some 6 million people.

The causes are multiple and complex. Some causes of infertility are known: a malfunction in ovulation, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular periods, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, environmental toxins and sperm problems.

Yet, others are unknown, and a woman may fail to conceive even when sperm are active and normal, and a comprehensive infertility investigation comes up empty-handed.

Symptom Of Yeast Infection

Reasons For A Yeast Infection - Molds

Reasons For A Yeast Infection

Molds inside spacious homes, small and large apartments, schools, offices, factories (and other workplaces) are making people sick, and they may be contributing to the "sick all over" feeling that so many people with yeast overgrowth experience.
In his cover story article in USA Weekend (July 19-21, 2002), "When Mold Takes Hold," Arnold Mann provides clear - even frightening - documentation. Here are excerpts:
Reasons For A Yeast Infection

How Common Are Yeast Infections - Hormone Connection

How Common Are Yeast Infections

I learned a great deal about the adverse effects of chemicals on hormones from Mary Lou Ballweg, president of the Endometriosis Association. She made me aware that PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls used in industry until they were banned in the 1970s) and other toxins were playing a part in causing endometriosis and other endocrine and immune problems.
We've already talked about the high rate of endometriosis in monkeys exposed to minute amounts of dioxin, a byproduct of industrial processes that involve chlorine, including paper and plastic manufacturing.
How Common Are Yeast Infections

Reasons For Yeast Infections

Reasons For Yeast Infections

In 1962, in her classic book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson compared the threat of environmental destruction from pesticides and other environmental chemicals with the risk of nuclear war. Most Americans, including legislators, farmers and food processors, paid little attention. About the same time, Theron Randolph, M.D., a Chicago internist, allergist and specialist in environmental medicine, warned:
While it is true that outdoor air pollution is a significant source of exposure, a far greater threat is posed by the presence of indoor ... air pollution ... Many household products give off noxious fumes. Indoor air pollution is particularly dangerous because exposure is so constant.

Reasons For Yeast Infections

Reasons For Yeast Infections In Women - Chemical And Mold Sensitivities

Reasons For Yeast Infections In Women

During my childhood, my parents, siblings and I lived on a three-acre "mini" farm, along with one or two cows and 100 chickens. Scattered over our home place were many oak trees, and my mother enjoyed growing vegetables and flowers. Compost piles made from decaying leaves and cow manure provided nutrients for these plants. My mother grew so many vegetables that I earned pocket money by selling them to the neighbors.

Neighbors and friends would say, "Mrs. Crook has a green thumb. Her vegetables grow better than anybody else." I can't recall my mother spraying insecticides, weed killers or other chemicals in our garden.
Reasons For Yeast Infections In Women

What Can Yeast Infections Lead To

What Can Yeast Infections Lead To

Terry Oldham has been my friend since she first came up to me at conclusion of my presentation at Hoosiers for Health, a conference sponsored by an Indianapolis health food store.
Terry's story is an important one for many reasons, including:
  • It shows that IC, like many other health problems that trouble are interrelated and as Indianapolis urologist Phillip Mosbaugh, M.D., and others have pointed out - it's not just a disorder of the bladder.
  • It shows that with courage, persistence, prayer, faith and a variety of therapeutic measures, people with IC and other often devastating illnesses can regain their health and their lives.
What Can Yeast Infections Lead To

How Do You Treat A Yeast Infection

How Do You Treat A Yeast Infection

There is no complete cure for IC. The NIDDK says Symptoms may disappear without explanation or respond to a change in diet or treatment. Symptoms may even disappear without explanation and may return equally without explanation days, weeks, months or even years later.

How Do You Treat A Yeast Infection

The NIDDK says treatment options include:
  • Over-the-counter medications: Aspirin and ibuprofen that may help relieve pain.
  • Oral drugs: Elmiron (pentosan plysulfate sodium) has been shown to improve symptoms in 38% of patients treated with it. It may take at least six months of therapy to determine if Elmiron will be helpful.
  • Other oral medications, such as antidepressants and antihistamines, which are helpful to some patients. 
  • Bladder distention: This is similar to a cystoscopy, which helps in some patients, perhaps because it increases the capacity of the bladder and may interrupt pain signals. 

How Do I Get Yeast Infections - Interstitial Cystitis

How Do I Get Yeast Infections

During my many years of pediatric practice, I saw and treated my many patients - especially young girls - with urinary tract infections. Often these infections would respond to a short course of an antibacterial drug. Yet, when children continued to be troubled by recurrent infections, I would refer them to a urologist for examination and further therapy.
After becoming interested in adults with complex health problems, I began to receive letters and phone calls from women who were troubled by repeated bladder problems.
How Do I Get Yeast Infections

Thyroid And Yeast Infections - Hypothyroidism

Thyroid And Yeast Infections

Sometimes treatment for yeast infections should include a hormonal component, especially in women who aren't responding to the anti-yeast regimen.
One theory that has been presented to me, and makes sense, is that are needed to stimulate the immune system in these difficult-to-treat patients. T3 is the number one preferred hormone for this purpose, and the other is DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone, a steroid hormone, a chemical cousin of testosterone and estrogen that has been shown to have anti-aging, anti-obesity and anti-cancer effects) from the adrenal glands.
Thyroid And Yeast Infections

What Is Candida Overgrowth - CFIDS

What Is Candida Overgrowth

Many physicians, including researchers, think viruses cause CFIDS. For a time it was thought that the Epstein-Barr virus was the culprit. Yet, laboratory and other studies showed this was not the case, even though in many people, CFIDS develops suddenly following a viral infection. In other individuals, it seems to come on more gradually.

As I read the reports in the medical and lay literature about CFIDS, it seemed to me that the symptoms in many people with this illness were similar to those experienced by my patients with yeast-related problems.
What Is Candida Overgrowth

Yeast Overgrowth On Skin - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis

Yeast Overgrowth On Skin


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that involves inflammation in the lining of the joints. The inflamed joint lining, called the synovium, can invade and damage bone and cartilage, resulting in pain, stiffness and swelling.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects about 2.1 million Americans, 1.5 million of them women. Interestingly, recent studies from Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston shows that women with rheumatoid arthritis have about twice the risk of a heart attack as women without the disease. Researchers theorize the link is because of the inflammation that is present with arthritis and is thought to contribute to the fatty build up in blood vessels, one of the known causes of heart attacks. 

Yeast Overgrowth On Skin

Candida Yeast Overgrowth - Hypothyroidism

Candida Yeast Overgrowth

Low thyroid function can be another cause of that "tired all over" feeling. Hypothyroidism is ten times more common in women than in men and thyroid dysfunction complicates 5-9% of all pregnancies.


The Thyroid Foundation of America notes:

With severe hypothyroidism, you may begin to feel run down, slow, depressed, sluggish, cold, tired and may lose interest in normal daily activities. Other symptoms may include dryness and brittleness of hair, dry and itchy skin, constipation, muscle cramps and increased menstrual flow in women.
Candida Yeast Overgrowth

Frequent Yeast Infections - Professional Opinions

Frequent Yeast Infections

William Hennen, Ph.D., a bioorganic chemist from Sandy, Utah, and author of Fibrornyalgia - A Nutritional Approach, has an interesting take on how the multiple symptoms of fibromyalgia and similar diseases work:

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome because the identifiable factors vary even though the symptoms are present. This can be likened to the operation of a car. A car will not run if its gas tank is empty. On the other hand, a car with a full tank of gas still will not run if its battery is dead. Thus, a whole list of functions must be present for a car to run properly, while the absence of any one function is sufficient to prevent the car from running.
Frequent Yeast Infections

Causes Of Yeast Overgrowth

Causes Of Yeast Overgrowth

At several conferences I attended on chronic fatigue syndrome, professionals discussing this disorder expressed varying points of view, and different treatments were recommended. The general consensus seemed to be that FMS and CFIDS were closely related - if not the same disorder.
I met Kristen Thorsen, president of the American Fibromyalgia Association, at a conference in California about 10 years ago. Since then, we have corresponded and talked on the phone a number of times. She says, "FMS could be another name for CFIDS ... or vice versa ... depending on which diagnosis you happen to have." Because of her own problems with FMS, for a number of years she's published Fibromyalgia Network, a newsletter for people with FMS/CFIDS.
Causes Of Yeast Overgrowth