If you have yeast-related health problems, there are some specific supplements that may help you return to good health, and there are others that simply make good nutritional sense. Regaining your health depends not only on the health measures you take specifically to target the yeast, but on those to help your general health and particularly to strengthen your immune system.
If you have yeast-related health problems, you'll want to be sure to buy yeast-free, sugar-free, color-free multivitamin, minerals and antioxidant preparations.
Anti Candida Supplements |
In a dramatic about-face, the American medical establishment now says that all adults should take a daily multivitamin. Two decades ago, that wasn't the case. The medical authorities actually advised against taking multivitamins after studies concluded there was no evidence to suggest any significant benefits to people who took them.
But in June 2002, the medical establishment did a 180-degree turn with the publication of a Harvard study recommending that all adults take a multivitamin every day, The authors of the study, published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that, while few Americans are vitamin deficient, only 20 to 30% of the population eats the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, so multivitamins can help prevent chronic diseases. They recommended that all adults take a daily multivitamin to help prevent heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. In addition, women in their childbearing years should consider adding folate, and the elderly might add vitamins B12 and D to their daily multivitamin.
I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. However, you probably know my position well enough by now to expect what I'm going to say next: Taking a bunch of vitamins pills and continuing to eat diets loaded with junk foods does not promote good health.
I take vitamin and mineral supplements and recommend them to the adult members of my family. When supplements are prescribed by a knowledgeable professional, the amounts may vary considerably from those I've outlined. Your physician's expertise, experience and clinical judgment should override my recommendations.
Our bodies are composed of billions of cells of various sizes, shapes and functions. Each cell is surrounded by a membrane composed of special types of fats called essential fatty acids (EFAs).
These good fats come directly and only from our foods and have many functions. Moreover, they are important in preventing health problems of many types, including heart disease, arthritis, PMS, eczema and other skin disorders. There are two general classes of EFAs:
- The Omega-3 fatty acids like those found in cold-water fish like salmon and tuna, fish oil and flaxseed oil.
- The Omega-6 fatty acids found in meats, safflower, canola and nut and seed oils.
Cells within our bodies form free radicals. Free radicals to a number of health conditions, notably heart disease and cancer. Ordinarily, the protective actions of antioxidant molecules control the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as other nutrients such as selenium, magnesium, beta carotene, flavonoids, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid and many more can neutralize the effects of the free radical molecules and protect our health.
Think of antioxidants as scrubbers that keep your body free of harmful oxygen free radicals and keep your cells young and healthy. You'll find some of them in your regular multivitamin and, of course, you find them in fruits and vegetables. You may want to include some others in addition to your multi. Be sure to include antioxidants in your health regimen every day.
Many other nutritional supplements may help, including:
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Anti Candida Supplements |
- CoEnzyme Q10: A powerful immune system strengthener and an essential element in promoting the production of energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP) in the body.
- Ginkgo biloba: Best known for helping maintain brain function, ginkgo has also been shown to increase energy and help combat fatigue.
- Echinacea: Another powerful immune system strengthener that is credited with making the immune system cells more efficient in combating infection. There is some evidence suggesting echinacea may help make the body more resistant to candida yeast overgrowth.
- Bromelain: Best known for helping digestion and relieving inflammation, bromelain also has been shown to be effective in relieving sinusitis and fighting urinary tract infections.
- Grapeseed extract: A strong antioxidant that helps boost immune function and protect you against a wide variety of diseases.