Have you tried low-fat, low-carb and every imaginable diet, yet gotten nowhere? Do you crave sugar, carbohydrates and alcohol? Do you have belly fat that you just can't get rid of?
Perhaps you read this blog because you have other health problems. Weight may not even be your primary concern. However, excess weight is a concern for 65% of the American population, so the chances are that being overweight also affects your health picture. Statistically, and based on decades of working with female patients of all ages and backgrounds, I can say with conviction that there is a strong likelihood that if you do have a weight problem, it is most likely caused by yeast.
Candida Yeast Diet |
This is the same yeast overgrowth that might be behind all the other conditions you've read about in this blog, including extreme fatigue, headaches, mood swings, bladder infections and poor concentration.
The reality is that yeast overgrowth, by itself, can make you fat. The good news is that once you understand that yeast may be the culprit, following our new 6-Point Yeast-Fighting Program will help you change the outcome.
Think of the following factors that may be affecting your health and that of your children:
- Children are constantly exposed to cold and flu germs at daycare and at school.
- Doctors often prescribe antibiotics, even though these are useless against the viruses that cause colds and flu. Though antibiotics do not work preventively, many doctors still prescribe them in a vain attempt to "prevent" sinus infections, strep throat, or ear infections. They sometimes give in to pressure from distraught parents who want to give some medications to their sick children.
- As a result of taking these antibiotics, the intestinal flora become unbalanced. The good bacteria are killed off, but the yeast are not harmed.
- Yeast grows out of control in the digestive tract and toxins begin to build.
- Leaky gut syndrome may then occur, spreading yeast toxins throughout the body.
- This triggers food sensitivities and intolerances, among other things, causing the vicious cycle you've already read about.
- By the time a child reaches adulthood, he or she has probably experienced dozens of rounds of antibiotics and most likely is already incubating horrendous yeast overgrowth.
A Vicious Cycle
Our hypothetical young woman, whom we'll call "Mary" has reached her early 20s. She's become sexually active and has already suffered through a few bouts of vaginitis, for which she was prescribed antibiotics.
During her teens, Mary took tetracycline for a year to help keep her skin clear. You're getting the idea: Antibiotics are killing the beneficial bacteria in Mary's digestive tract and her yeast population has now begun to blossom out of control. Add to that the toxic world Mary lives in:
- She's getting even more antibiotics through her food, since farmers feed antibiotics to livestock and the drugs are concentrated in the meat and poultry she eats.
- The same is true for the growth hormones added to livestock feed, which affect our hormones to such a degree that the average age of first menstruation for American girls is now just under 12 years - as compared to age 16 a century ago! In addition, American girls are showing the first signs of puberty at much earlier ages and experiencing early puberty-related weight gain. Just the fact that an 8-year old girl weighs 100 pounds can by itself trigger the early onset of menstruation.
- Herbicides, pesticides and fungicides are used to boost crop production and increasing amounts of these toxic substances are now present in our food chain. Some of these strong chemicals act as hormone disruptors and as cancer-causing agents.
- Toxic chemicals are everywhere, from our carpets to our cleaning supplies to our beauty products.
Even More Toxins
We absorb toxins into our bodies in a number of ways. We eat:
- Synthetic food
- Junk food
- Highly processed refined foods
- Refined sugar
- Additives
- Preservatives
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Candida Yeast Diet |
We now have an epidemic of autoimmune disease where the body attacks normal tissue (i.e., in multiple sclerosis, the nerves come under attack and in rheumatoid arthritis, it is the joints). When I attended medical school, there were half a dozen autoimmune diseases. Now we have identified 80.
Our defense systems aren't attacking a normal self, they are attacking a toxic self, where external environmental toxins and yeast toxins "gang up" on the body to create autoimmune disease. To find out more, you can check out Candida Yeast Diet.