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Candida Albicans Overgrowth

Candida Albicans Overgrowth


You already know about leaky gut syndrome, but let me explain how this syndrome relates to weight gain.

Leaky gut syndrome takes place when the Candida albicans yeast in the digestive tract overwhelms the protective healthy bacteria by burrowing into the now-unguarded intestinal wall. This in turn creates tiny gaps in the membrane lining, through which partially digested food particles and the 180 toxic byproducts of yeast may be absorbed into your bloodstream and thus reach every part of your body.

Candida Albicans Overgrowth

Leaky gut can cause all kinds of seemingly unrelated illnesses, from bladder infections to psoriasis to depression and more. These toxins then create an allergic response that stimulates:

  • food cravings (especially for carbohydrates, yeast's favorite food) 
  • bloating
  • weight gain
  • liver overload as the main organ of detoxification tries to deal with all these toxins 
  • decreased thyroid function and metabolism, since the liver is busy elsewhere 
  • tremendous fluid retention as the body tries to dilute the toxins 
  • fat cells swelling as they trap toxins to try to protect the rest of the body 
  • gas buildup from yeast 
  • toxins that impair normal thyroid hormone function 
  • hormonal imbalance on all levels caused by pseudohormones (false hormones) released when environmental toxins interfere with hormone receptor sites 
The stress your body experiences in coping with toxins, weight gain and general physical discomfort creates excessive release of cortisol, the chronic stress hormone, making it nearly impossible for you to lose weight. The bottom line of all this is weight gain that keeps you heavy, sluggish and miserable.

Yeast itself feeds on sugar, triggering sugar and carbohydrate cravings on top of the cravings that come from the allergic response due to leaky gut. It's almost as if yeast has a mind of its own, persuading you to feed it and help it grow, thus making you fatter and fatter and sicker and sicker.

It's not that you are weak-willed. These are genuine cravings that, like an addiction to drugs, are very difficult to overcome. In her book No More Heartburn, Dr. Sherry Rogers points out that people are often addicted to foods that make them fat. As she explains:

"Some folks actually have hidden addictions to foods like milk, wheat, sugar, alcohol, or coffee that drive them to stay constantly fueled with that food. Because there are actual opioid receptors (the same ones that create addictions to drugs like opium) in the brain and in the gut that make folks crave a food, they will go out of their way to make sure they have a constant infusion of it. Likewise, withdrawal symptoms, such as headache, agitation or nausea, make avoidance difficult for the few days that they last."

Candida Albicans Overgrowth
When you go on a weight loss diet and fat cells begin to break down, you experience another aspect of withdrawal. In the murky depths of those cells lie toxins and chemicals that have been hidden away to protect the brain and delicate organs. Once these are let loose into the blood stream, they cause havoc, leading to headaches, nausea and joint pain that can make you run screaming from any further thought of dieting.
To find out more, you can check out Candida Albicans Overgrowth.