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Overgrowth Of Yeast On Skin - Success Story (Part 2)

Overgrowth Of Yeast On Skin

Everything changed the day I went to a bookstore and found Yeast Infection No More. The moment I opened the book, I recognized myself: The depression, mood swings, irritability, severe PMS, crying for no reason, needing a nap in the middle of the day.

I finally got serious about the Yeast-Fighting Program during the first week in March and I started visiting this blog, where I found lots more information and the support of people who are going through similar health crises.
Overgrowth Of Yeast On Skin

Within days of really eliminating yeast, I felt like a different person! I started losing weight at a very good pace. In just two months, the change in my mood was like night and day. I didn't feel depressed at all. For nearly 20 years, depression was like a black cloud in my head all the time. It just went away. It's not there anymore!
The Weight Is Melting Off
Not only did the depression go away, but my extra weight also started to disappear almost magically. I lost 15 pounds in about six weeks. I had tried every diet. You name it, I did it. Nothing worked until the Yeast-Fighting Program, which has given me the fastest and best results of any diet I've tried. Of course, I actually changed my whole lifestyle.
On the whole, I haven't felt this good in 20 years. I did all this without a doctor, but I would say if you are on medications don't come off them without consulting your doctor first. I followed the diet and I took some supplements that certainly helped, including a probiotic and an antifungal that included caprylic acid.
Today I wore a pair of jeans somebody gave me five years ago. At one time, I couldn't even get them over my calves. When I wore them to work, everybody noticed how much weight I had lost. Good-bye old baggy pants!

I work with about 30 women, many of whom will jump on the bandwagon with any new diet. They were amazed at my success. I can tell who's got a yeast problem by just watching the way they're eating - bread, cake, etc.

My journey hasn't been effortless and it is not completely over. For example, I thought I was doing fine by eating wraps, using flatbread I had found at my supermarket. I figured since the bread was flat, it didn't have yeast. Wrong!


Michelle fell into the trap that many people with yeast have discovered: Food that seemed OK turned out to be not OK. Yeast, sugar and fermented products may be hidden in a wide variety of foods that you'd never suspect. Not only do you need to read labels carefully and learn to decipher the mysterious codes, but realize that some products don't even mention the added sugar. This is especially common in canned goods. There are other Yeast-Fighting Program no-nos that can sabotage your get-healthy plan, even in small amounts, so read this blog carefully and keep visiting our website.

Here is a bit more from Michelle on this important topic: 

One day, after I was fairly well into my detox, I just smelled the yeast in the flatbread. I guess my nose had become more sensitive, so I looked at the label and, sure enough, it had yeast, I had been eating veggie burgers and thought they were fine until one day I smelled the yeast in them. Sure enough, there it was again, so I threw those away.
Now I've learned I have to be a really careful label reader. I eat a lot of chicken, turkey and tuna. I found some rice crackers I really like - and mochi (a pounded rice that you toast in a toaster oven) and spelt sticks. I've increased my vegetable intake dramatically. Plus, I drink a lot more water. I had been drinking five cups of green tea a day, but I had no idea it was just a little bag of mold. When I figured that out, I gave away all my tea!


My life has changed in so many ways in these few short months. I'm going back to college - majoring in art, my true passion. Being free from fatigue and lack of motivation, I'm once again using my creative skills.
Also, being less moody, depressed, and irritable, I'm more outgoing, and I no longer isolate myself, thinking, "Who the beck wants to be around me? I'm so depressed." My social life has improved tenfold. That anxious feeling I used to get prior to going to any function has also vanished.

My communication and concentration skills have improved so I no longer fear that I'll have nothing to say or that I won't be witty enough. This yeast-fighting program has helped me to enrich my life. For the first time, I am not jealous of other people, envying their social ease, wittiness and grace. Now I have that myself.


Michelle's story is very inspiring! She's far from the only one who has lost weight and kept it off for years with the Yeast-Fighting Program.

Overgrowth Of Yeast On Skin
As a doctor, and from a personal perspective, I can see that people more confused than ever about diet. I know it firsthand from my practice and from our message board. People are fed up with all the conflicting advice, and sadly, many are just giving up.

Too few women have even an inkling that their symptoms could be caused by yeast. We hope this blog will give you a jump start to the vastly improved health and well-being that you're looking for. If it does, we hope you'll spread the word! To find out more, you can check out Overgrowth Of Yeast On Skin.