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Diet For Yeast Infections - Eating Right

Diet For Yeast Infections

You've gotten the message about eating the sugar- and yeast-free diet to address the problem of yeast overgrowth, and if you're following that diet, you're most likely eating in a healthy way.

Now I'd like to throw out a few basic ideas about healthy eating.

Diet For Yeast Infections

Over the years, Americans have become very confused about this topic. There's the high-fat low-carbohydrate diet. There's the high-fiber, low-fat diet. There's the cheeseburger diet, the grapefruit diet, the good fat versus bad fat diet. I'm sometimes confused myself. I certainly don't know all the answers, but I can give you the bare bones of what I consider some of the best approaches to healthy eating.

Getting Rid Of Candida - Exercise

Getting Rid Of Candida

Whether your health problems are yeast-connected or not, you need to exercise if you want to enjoy good health. Exercise helps you overcome depression and fatigue. Current scientific evidence shows exercise is a part of the treatment program for patients with depression and chronic fatigue. Aerobic exercise, including walking, running, aerobic dance, swimming and bicycling, is an excellent way to overcome the stress and the exhaustion that accompanies most yeast-related conditions.

In her book Natural Highs, Dr. Cass explains the science behind the benefits of exercise, from improved circulation to enhanced production of feel-good neurotransmitters including endorphins.

Getting Rid Of Candida

Exercise experts say the key to sticking with an exercise program is finding something you really enjoy. If riding your exercise bike is sheer drudgery, don't do it. Maybe you really enjoy the beauties of nature and would rather have a solitary, early-morning walk every day. If the idea of walking your treadmill alone depresses you, join a gym and laugh it in an aerobics class.

Womens Yeast Infection - Lifestyle Changes

Womens Yeast Infection

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could take a pill to erase the laundry list of problems we have discussed in this blog? But I don't need to tell you there are no magic pills.

You can begin to overcome some of your symptoms when you change your diet, get rid of chemical pollutants in your home and start on antifungal medications.

Womens Yeast Infection

There are also many other things you'll need to do. You'll need to take charge of your health and say to yourself, "If it's going to be, it's up to me."

Natural Candida Cures - Tanalbit

Natural Candida Cures


Several health professionals I've consulted rank Tanalbit high on the list of nonprescription substances they use in treating their patients.

When taken orally, this product is said to effectively destroy harmful bacteria and fungi in the digestive system without attacking friendly organisms. It also travels to the colon relatively intact to help address problems there. It seems to act as a sort of internal antiseptic. In addition to natural tannins, this product contains zinc.

Natural Candida Cures

Tanalbit contains tannates that bind to the surface of the fungal membranes, causing the fungus to lose its ability to stick to intestinal walls, reproduce, and then it eventually kills the fungus. Tanalbit also contains chitin, which has been shown to stop candida colonization.

Male Yeast Infection Cure - Kolorex

Male Yeast Infection Cure


Some say this natural product from New Zealand is as effective as nystatin. It's made from anise seed and a leaf called horopito (Pseudowintera colorata), a relative of the cayenne pepper, that work together to restore microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Male Yeast Infection Cure

Forest Herbs Research of New Zealand, the manufacturer of Kolorex, explains how it works:

Curing Yeast Infections - Nonprescription Antifungals

Curing Yeast Infections

Nonprescription agents such as herbs, vitamins and minerals, are effective alternatives for many women with yeast-related problems who prefer not to use prescription antifungals or who cannot use them for a variety of medical reasons.

Clearly if you have maintained good health with the help of natural remedies, you're doing fine. But people who are doing fine are not likely to be reading this blog, so we'll look at the most powerful natural substances to help eradicate yeast, strengthen your immune system and help you regain your health. Here are some of the best:

Curing Yeast Infections

Yeast On Skin Cure - Excellent Prescription Antifungals

Yeast On Skin Cure

Nystatin (Mycostatin)

Nystatin predates the azoles as an extremely effective antifungal. Available in the United States since 1951, nystatin continues to be an effective and safe antifungal medication. However, a number of physicians and pharmacists are concerned about the tremendous increase in its price during the past two years.

Nystatin works in a unique way to help reestablish the strength of the intestinal walls, eliminating leaky gut syndrome.

Yeast On Skin Cure

The beauties of nystatin are many: It is virtually side-effect free, with the exception of occasional minor gastrointestinal upsets, and the price is by far the cheapest of the prescription antifungals, at about 60 cents for a 500,000 IU pill. Most physicians prescribe one or two capsules daily. Patients also rarely report a die-off reaction, and many say it is the only antifungal most patients need, while some others contend it is less effective than the azoles. Other physicians will start patients on the azoles and then switch them to nystatin after two or three weeks.

Natural Cures For Yeast Infections

Natural Cures For Yeast Infections

Sporanox (Itraconazole)
Sporanox is a "cousin" of Diflucan, approved by the FDA for use against thrush (candida infections in the mouth and throat).

Available in the United States since 1993, Sporanox is highly successful in eliminating the symptoms of thrush within seven to 14 days and has been clinically proven effective in some patients who are resistant to Diflucan, usually at a level of about 100 mg. once daily. Higher dosages (about 200 mg. a day) are usually prescribed for patients with persistent vaginal yeast infections.

Charles Resseger, D.O., of Norwalk, Ohio, told me he finds that Diflucan and Sporanox work synergistically and are often very effective in patients who don't respond to Diflucan alone.

Natural Cures For Yeast Infections
Other physicians have told me they prefer Sporanox for yeast-related skin conditions, and some say it is especially effective for patients with chemical sensitivity.

Cures For Yeast Infections - Prescription Antifungal Medications

Cures For Yeast Infections

Throughout this blog, you've read over and over about the prescription antifungal medications and how they are to your program to overcome yeast-related problems.

The systemic azole drugs are the gold standard of treatment for fungal problems, and especially for the treatment of Candida albicans overgrowth. They are: 
  • Diflucan (fluconazole) 
  • Nizoral (ketoconazole) 
  • Sporanox (itraconazole)
Cures For Yeast Infections

In addition, nystatin has proven its worth as an antifungal for 50 years and so has another lesser-known azole, miconazole. Miconazole is the active ingredient in Monistat, the cream used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole is also helpful when taken internally in capsule form, but it's not available in the United States in the form needed for systemic treatment.

Yeast Free Diet - Shopping Tips

Yeast Free Diet
  • Use whole foods.
  • Use fresh fruits and vegetables. Commercially canned products often contain yeasts and added sugar. Buy flesh organic vegetables when possible.
  • Avoid foods labeled "enriched" if you're allergic to yeast. 
  • Since many, and perhaps most, canned, packaged and processed foods contain hidden ingredients, including sugar, dextrose and other carbohydrate products, avoid them. 

Candida Diet Food List - Maintenance

Candida Diet Food List


Congratulations! Now you've really done your homework and you know what you can and cannot eat. No doubt, you are feeling vastly better than you felt just a few short weeks ago. Although this wasn't the primary purpose, you've likely dropped a few pounds, too. That's a welcome bonus for many of us! You've also made the anti-yeast diet a part of your life.

Candida Diet Food List
So you can loosen your grip from time to time. Eat a slice of birthday cake on your birthday. Sip a glass of red wine once a week or so. You may be able to get away with it, or you may not. Continue to monitor your progress and if you have a setback, look at what you ate and take corrective measures.

Diet For Candida Yeast Infection - Reassessment

Diet For Candida Yeast Infection

Step 3: Reassessment

You should also rotate other foods, especially during the early weeks and months of your treatment program. Here's why:

Diet For Candida Yeast Infection

Many and perhaps most, individuals with yeast-connected health problems are allergic to several (and sometimes many) different foods. The more frequently you eat a particular food, the greater your chances of developing a "hidden" allergy to that food. These allergies may contribute to your fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, depression or other symptoms. And strange as it may seem, you may become addicted to the foods that are causing your symptoms, so you crave them.

Yeast Infection Diet - Challenge

Yeast Infection Diet

Step 2: Challenge

Now is the time to figure out what's playing havoc with your body. If you've been faithful in Step 1 (the Elimination phase), you've made a great start, and your yeast overgrowth is beginning to get under control.

Now it's time to challenge your system and see what you can and cannot tolerate.

Yeast Infection Diet

It's really up to you how long this step takes, but remember: You must remain on the Step 1 diet throughout this stage with the exception foods you are reintroducing as part of your research.

Candida Diet Recipes - Meals

Candida Diet Recipes

The menus listed are all sugar-free and yeast-free and designed to help you answer that always
troublesome question, "What can my family and I eat?"
The menus for the early weeks are also fruit-free and contain relatively few grains and high-carbohydrate vegetables (such as potatoes, yams and lima beans). Depending on your likes and dislikes, using these general guidelines, you can change these menus to suit your tastes and those of other member of your family.

Candida Diet Recipes

Candida Diet Plan - What You Can Eat During First Three Weeks

Candida Diet Plan

Food You Can Eat Freely - Low-carbohydrate vegetables. These vegetables contain lots of fiber and wonderful essential nutrients. They relatively low in carbohydrates and calories. You can eat them fresh or frozen, cooked or raw.
  • Asparagus
  • Collard greens
  • Beet greens
  • Cucumbers
  • Bell peppers
  • Daikon
  • Broccoli
  • Dandelion
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Eggplant
Candida Diet Plan

Diets For Yeast Infections

Diets For Yeast Infections

Here it comes: the special sugar-free, anti-yeast diet I've mentioned so many times. It is the centerpiece of the entire anti-yeast plan.

I don't mean to sound harsh here, but it's important that you understand this: Without the diet, you won't get the results you are hoping for. You can take the medications and the supplements, and they may or may not help. You may feel better for a while, and then find your symptoms have returned.
Diets For Yeast Infections

If your health problems are yeast-connected, you must eliminate sugar from your diet for at least three weeks and probably indefinitely.