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Candida Diet Recipes - Meals

Candida Diet Recipes

The menus listed are all sugar-free and yeast-free and designed to help you answer that always
troublesome question, "What can my family and I eat?"
The menus for the early weeks are also fruit-free and contain relatively few grains and high-carbohydrate vegetables (such as potatoes, yams and lima beans). Depending on your likes and dislikes, using these general guidelines, you can change these menus to suit your tastes and those of other member of your family.

Candida Diet Recipes

  • Oatmeal with butter or flaxseed oil and pecans.
  • Brown rice with filberts, sardines packed in sardine oil and rice cakes.
  • Well-cooked eggs, two strips of crisp bacon and grits with butter. 
  • Oatmeal, pork chops and cashew nuts. 
  • Cooked amaranth, tuna, tomatoes and walnuts. 
  • Cooked quinoa, baked sweet potato and pecans.
  • Wraps made with romaine leaves: roll-ups with turkey or tuna, grated carrots.
  • Caesar salad with grilled chicken breast. (Use a small amount of lemon juice instead of vinegar in the dressing.)
  • Kitchen sink salad: every veggie you can find on a bed of romaine lettuce, perhaps with a few julienne strips of turkey.
  • Unsweetened yogurt and a handful of nuts. 
  • Hard-boiled eggs and carrot and celery sticks. 
  • Scoop of egg, tuna or chicken salad (made with soy mayonnaise) and a tomato. 
  • Hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato and onions. 
  • Easy veggie soup (Progresso makes a decent canned soup) with rice cakes. 
  • Baked Cornish hen, steamed cabbage, asparagus, salad with lettuce and pecans. Use walnut oil and lime juice dressing.
  • Steak (or hamburger patty), eggplant, mixed green salad with cucumbers and green peppers.
  • Pork chops or lamb chops, turnip greens, okra, carrot and celery sticks. 
  • Roast turkey, baked acorn squash, steamed spinach, grated cabbage, almonds with lemon juice and flaxseed oil dressing. 
  • Mixed vegetables cooked in microwave, pecans. 
  • Tuna fish, broccoli, black.eyed peas. 
You May Experience Die-Off 

If you have massive candida overgrowth, you may experience a condition called "die-off." This means millions of candida yeast cells are dying off in your digestive tract and perhaps in other parts of your body, especially if you have begun taking antifungal medications. When large numbers of yeasts are killed, metabolic products are released. Until your body gets rid of them, symptoms may continue or even increase.
Symptoms include fatigue, depression, aches, irritability and abdominal pain.

For a few days, you may feel much worse, and this is the stage at which many people decide this plan is not for them.

Please don't give up! Remember, you are doing the best possible thing for your body. If you are in a position to take it easy for the few days of the die-off, so much the better. Drink lots of water and know that you are making progress!

Candida Diet Recipes

Die-off symptoms can be lessened if you start the diet a week or two before you start taking antifungal medications. You can also take 3-5 grams of vitamin C daily plus 400 IU of vitamin E three times a day and special enzymes taken between meals to help eliminate the toxins. To find out more, you can check out Candida Diet Recipes.