Raw versus Cooked Foods
cooking destroys important enzymes that your body needs for digesting
and assimilating foods, the more raw vegetables and fruits you eat, the
more enzymes and nutrients your body will take in. However, if your
digestive system is out of balance, you might find that initially, for
about one to two months, you will do best eating only steamed or cooked
vegetables and then gradually increasing your raw food intake with each
meal - taking digestive enzymes along with both.
Food Combining
food combining involves eating either protein with vegetables or grains
with vegetables but avoiding mixing protein with grains at the same
meal. Doing this is beneficial for some people who have digestive
problems. Others find that having a little protein along with grains at
each meal, whether from an animal
or a plant source, keeps both their blood sugar and energy levels more
stable. The answer for you lies in listening to your body. If you're
hypoglycemic, meaning you have low blood sugar, you'll do best to start
off your morning with protein and work your complex carbohydrates into
your lunch or dinner meals.
people have blood sugar imbalances and do best eating three meals a day
plus a snack mid-morning and in the afternoon, as this keeps their
metabolism and energy levels balanced.
If you are prone to excessive weight loss, however, eat only the three
meals a day and avoid snacking in order to slow down your metabolism.
is a great way to nourish your body. Fresh vegetable juice that has had
the fiber extracted will immediately fill your bloodstream
with live enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Juicing is also alkalinizing
to your body because it leaches out acidic waste products.
Juicing correctly is important when you are using it as a health treatment. First, don't make more than eight ounces of fresh juice at one time. Drinking large quantifies, such as sixteen to thirty-two ounces of carrot juice at one time, can do more harm than good because this is too much sugar for your system.
drink juice on an empty stomach, either an hour before a meal or two to
three hours after a meal. Since the juice acts as a treatment for your
bloodstream, do not drink it with a heavy meal. Third, drink your juice
as soon as you make it.
Many of the vitamins and minerals become oxidized within thirty minutes
of being exposed to the air. Fourth, drink your juice slowly. Swish it
around in your mouth to mix it with your saliva, and then swallow. There
are many books on juicing you can use to find recipes that you like.
Vitamix food processor is a wonderful way to eat whole foods and to
make soup, but I don't recommend using it for juicing vegetables and
fruits. It keeps the fiber in the mixture, and your digestive system has
to work harder to break it down. I recommend the Breville juicer, which can be bought online or in many local department stores.
Nutritional Supplementation
today's world, a good diet alone cannot keep your body healthy. If you
want to experience quality aging, your body also requires
supplementation. Because modern agricultural practices have depleted our
soft, we must eat five times the amount our grandparents ate to obtain
the same nutrient value. Our bodies must also cope with more
environmental toxicity from pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and
synthetic chemicals than ever before. On top of that, increased stress
levels have weakened our bodies, making supplementation necessary to
offset the imbalance. To find out more, you can check out Candida Diet Recipe Ideas.