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Candida Free Diet


We must eat not only to survive but also to sustain vitality and optimize the functioning of the more than 300 trillion cells that make up our bodies.
The digestion of food - as it breaks down into vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and glycerol - is a complex chemistry, and what we eat can alter that chemistry either positively or negatively. Sadly, the average American diet consists of large amounts of trans fats, refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods that are filled with chemicals and preservatives. How can your cells thrive on artificial, depleted food? They can't.

lt's a mistake to think that junk food will not negatively affect every cell in your body. The equation is very simple: trash in equals trash out. A good diet is one of the most important components of preventive health and healing a diseased body. What you eat can either rebuild or weaken your immune system as well as determine the quality of your aging process. The increasing numbers of people with allergies, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness, autoimmune diseases, and cancers can be attributed in part to eating an unhealthy diet.

Again, a poor diet causes candida overgrowth, and yeast overgrowth creates the most common symptoms people experience today: fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and weight gain. The great news is that you have control over the food choices you make. Once you educate yourself about the problems you're experiencing, you can start to make the necessary modifications - and quickly notice improvements.


Let's examine in detail how unhealthy foods and other substances can upset the balance of your body.
Refined Sugar 

Refined sugar in any of its forms is one of the most harmful substances you can consume. Sugar depletes the vital vitamins and minerals that you need to sustain yourself and has absolutely no nutritional value. It drains the body and wreaks havoc on the pancreas, which controls blood sugar levels, weakening the immune system. Well-known nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman states, "There are over sixty ailments that have been associated with sugar consumption in medical literature." Cancer, Candida albicans, and human immunodefidency virus (HIV) all thrive on sugar.

When you begin to read labels, you will see that almost every food on the market - from canned goods to breads to salt - contains sugar in some form. Refined sugar is disguised as sucrose, fructose, dextrose, brown sugar, glucose, evaporated cane juice, high-fructose corn syrup, lactose, and maltose.

The United States is a nation addicted to sugar. In 1890, the average American ate 10 pounds of sugar a year. Today, that figure is between 170 and 200 pounds. Unfortunately, in our society sugar is not just something that tastes good. It has also become an emotional pacifier. Refined sugar may satisfy your psychological needs for a moment, but ultimately it will destroy your body.

Trans Fats (Bad Fats) 

The United States is finally recognizing that trans fats, which have already been banned in Denmark and Canada, are major contributors to heart disease and other serious health conditions. Any food that lists "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated" oil among its ingredients contains trans fats. This means that the oil has been heated to a high temperature for the sole purpose of preserving the food product for a longer shelf life.

Trans fats are found in pastries, breads, crackers, processed foods, microwave popcorn, chips, cookies, and margarines. Research has shown that margarines with trans fats - not butter - are the real cause of blocked arteries. These bad fats are poison because they set off an inflammatory response in the body. To find out more, you can check out Candida Free Diet.