The last, but most important, area affected by an imbalance in the digestive system is the immune system, which is simply your body's mechanism for identifying self (what naturally belongs in the body) from non-self (foreign material) and using antigens to destroy or neutralize whatever is foreign.
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What Cures Yeast Infections |
The immune system is composed of lymphocytes (B and T cells), the thymus, the spleen, the bone marrow, the lymph nodes, the tonsils, the adenoids, the appendix, the lymphatic vessels, the liver, and Peyer's patches (clumps of lymphoid tissue in the small intestine). This gallant army of organs and cells comes to your rescue whenever foreign invaders attack your body. However, the immune system becomes compromised from chronic maldigestion, malabsorption, leaky gut, intestinal dysbiosis, elimination problems, compromised liver function, heavy metals, medications, stress hormones, and poor diet. This is why a chronically toxic body can give rise to autoirnmune diseases in which immune cells, such as the T cells, B cells, and macrophages, mistakenly attack the body's tissues.
You can clearly see that every organ and system in your body is interlinked. All the systems "talk" to each other. If one organ becomes compromised, another organ will take over and try to compensate. When your gut is leaky, it compromises your bloodstream with toxins. A polluted bloodstream and lymph system compromise your immune system. And an overtaxed immune system allows chronic inflammatory agents to enter your brain, heart, joints, muscles, organs, and so on. The key, then, is to keep toxins moving out faster than they accumulate so that the body stays balanced and healthy over time.
Your body has an innate intelligence allows it to heal itself. You simply need to give it the right environment for a long enough period of time in which to do so. The 90-day protocol I outline in this blog later will provide you with everything you need to create that environment.
The goal of treating candidiasis is to kill fungus and eradicate excess yeast. You never fully rid the body of yeast; you just get the levels back into balance. Achieving this balance requires a two-pronged strategy: first, taking an antifungal supplement to kill the yeast overgrowth, and second, modifying your diet to starve off the excess yeast. The treatment is simple, but it takes diligence, discipline, and consistency on your part to achieve a successful outcome.
The best way to identify whether you have yeast infection is to complete Dr. Crook's questionnaire, work with a practitioner who has experience treating candida, and learn more about the subject. In my office, I examine my clients' responses to Dr. Crook's questionnaire, take an extensive case history, and use a quantum software program to identify imbalances in the body. If a client wishes, a blood test and/or stool test to detect Candida albicans overgrowth can also be taken, but I usually discourage doing this.
In my experience, I have found yeast and fungus to be very evasive. They like to hide out in the organs and tissues, and therefore blood and stool tests give inconsistent results. So I suggest you save your money.
There are many unhealthy people whose blood work comes out negative because their conditions are subclinical (undetectable on lab tests), and therefore they end up being misdiagnosed. Their chemistry is often more sensitive than the norm and so even though they are symptomatic, their condition does not show up on a blood test. Also, in general, the blood is often the last system to show signs of imbalance, as the rest of the body will compensate in order to keep the blood levels normal.
For example, when it comes to survival, maintaining the proper blood pH is the body's priority. The body's fluids and tissues have different pH, or acidity level, ranges. Blood needs to be at a pH of 7.35 (alkaline). If the pH varies by even a few tenths of a percent, symptoms will appear, and if it varies by more than one-half of a pH unit, serious illness or death will occur. When the body compensates for a pH imbalance, other tissues and organs in the system may suffer. Your doctor may not even recognize these effects if he's just looking at blood test results. Be aware that testing the pH of your saliva is different than testing your blood pH, so don't panic if your salivary pH is out of balance.
The money and research that are necessary to develop better functional tests to candidiasis and other gut imbalances have been lacking because Western medicine has largely failed to recognize the true nature of these problems. Without accurate diagnostic testing, other methods must be used.
In the rare cases in which I do use blood and stool tests, even when the results come back negative, I do not rule out treating the client for candidiasis, as I rely heavily on the other aspects of my evaluation. In fact, in eleven years of practice and seeing over four thousand clients, I have let only ten to fifteen people out of my office without starting them on a candida protocol. That's because using the protocol to first clear infection and inflammation from the client's body allows me to truly discover if there are any other body systems out of balance.
Living as we do in such a toxic world - with stress levels higher than ever - every one of us would benefit from removing the infection and inflammation that have inevitably resulted to some extent or another. Even if you have mild symptoms, following the protocol I recommend will help you to experience more energy, greater mental clarity, and an overall sense of lightness within your body. To find out more, you can check out What Cures Yeast Infections.