In March 1993, I saw 33-year-old Marjorie in consultation. Her main complaints included "always tired and drained and loss of sex drive (four years duration); yeast infections/vaginitis (two years duration)." Here are excerpts from a letter Marjorie sent me prior to our first consultation:
All of my life I've been troubled by many nose and throat infections and have taken many antibiotic drugs. In 1988, my son was born, after a difficult labor. After that, it seemed my health went downhill. Although I went back to work, I had to quit after months. I just couldn't do it. I didn't have the energy. I also had a marked loss of sex drive.
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Then cam the yeast infections, vaginal dryness, urinary frequency, PMS, cramps, depression, sleep problems, abdominal pain and very poor memory. I saw a number of doctors who gave me different medications, including antidepressants. One doctor said, "I can't find anything physically wrong." My tests were all negative.
I know that I look terrible, feel terrible and act terrible and have absolutely no sex drive. If I didn't have such a loving husband l don't know what I would do. Please, I need help for me and my son.
Because of the severity of Marjorie's symptoms, I recommended Diflucan, a sugar-free diet and nutritional supplements. During the succeeding months, Marjorie improved and on April 14th, just six weeks later, she reported:
The vaginitis and bladder pain are gone. Yet, I still have some rectal itching. I still have good days and bad days, especially when I overdo. Sex is better. I'm not as irritable or moody. I wake up rested most of the time and exercise daily. My memory is a lot better. I still have a way to go and I miss my coffee and sandwiches.
Then on August 23, 1993, less than six months after her first visit, Marjorie said:
I'm feeling much better now. I'm just a new person altogether! My patience, memory, energy level, depression, sex drive and sleeping have improved 100% since the first time I saw you .... But I really have to stay on my diet. I also have to exercise, which I do three or four times a week. It really helps. I can actually do a day's work without "feeling completely worn out." My PMS is much better, but it's still there.
... In spite of these problems, my life and my marriage are much better. Thank God for the help I've received. I know I still have a ways to go before I'm well, but it's closer than before.
On September 29, 1993, Marjorie came in for a brief visit and she said:
I'm feeling great, absolutely great! As I told you last month, I really am a new person. Something l haven't told you before. I really felt so bad that life really wasn't worth living, and suicide was an option I thought about from time to time.
Another factor that added to my load was the problem I had coping with my hyperactive, irritable, inattentive 4-year-old son. Nothing I had done for him helped ... until you put him on the diet, Diflucan and nutritional supplements. And the changes in his behavior and ability to learn have truly been remarkable. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The Other Side of the Coin
Sometimes yeast-related problems manifest themselves in what seems like exactly the opposite way. The story of Patty's (not her real name) sexual nightmare actually sparked other letters from women who had suffered similar symptoms.
It began when she was 35. Her symptoms included:
... homosexual feelings or intense heterosexual feelings that would persist for hours, even days ... This constant state of sexual arousal became an obsession with me. I could not concentrate on anything else.
Keep in mind that during this time most of my severe inner conflicts were religious ones. I was raised in a Catholic church with very strict moral standards. I was a virgin when I married at the age of 22, so l found the anguish of these uncontrollable urges and thoughts to be emotionally destructive.
During times of anger, my body and my emotions would respond inappropriately with intense feeling of sexual arousal. Bear in mind that this sensation was insatiable. Even "satisfactory" regular intercourse did nothing to control or reduce this constant sexual frustration ...
I went to dozens of doctors, including psychiatrists, all to no avail. I found a doctor to help me with a yeast problem , and my terrible nightmares began to improve.
The next time I heard from Patty, she reported she was 95% better and no longer suffered from "horrifying sexual abnormalities" and required "no more psychotherapy or mood-changing drugs."
I've stayed in touch with Patty over the years. She now works as an executive of a nonprofit health organization. In a recent letter, she said:
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I'm happy to report that I'm healthy and happy, and my sexual nightmare is now only an unpleasant memory.
During the past several years, I've received hundreds of letters and calls from women describing their sexual dysfunction, and among those letters were some who said that reading Patty's story made them feel better because they knew they were not alone. To find out more, you can check out Yeast Infection How To Cure.