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Treatment For Candida Albicans

It's now time to look at the 90-day protocol in its entirety - the candida-cure diet plus the supplements you will be taking. As I have noted throughout these posts, the supplements serve multiple purposes. They replace the missing vitamins and minerals in foods that have been grown in depleted soil, they detoxify your body, and they provide you with the energy and nutrients you need to experience quality aging after completing the program.
While I have included specific instructions for taking the supplements, you will need to work in conjunction with your health-care practitioner to make sure you are meeting your individual needs. You might want to give your practitioner the links to specific pages so that he or she can better assist you.
Treatment For Candida Albicans

Here are some guidelines to follow as you embark on this treatment plan:

  • Check with your doctor and/or health-care practitioner before taking any supplements. This is especially important for those who are taking pharmaceutical medications.
  • Do not do this program if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • Purchase your supplements from a reputable source such as a health practitioner, online vitamin warehouse, or health food store. Supplements sold in drugstores and supermarkets often contain sugar, synthetic dyes, and fillers. Read labels to make sure they say "no added dyes, fillers, sugar, corn, or yeast."
  • If you live outside the United States, look for comparable products with similar ingredients by viewing the labels via the Internet.
Note: Those who have chosen to do the slow-start elimination plan will only begin the following 90-day program after eliminating all the foods listed.



Candida-Cure Diet
  • Do not eat sugars, fermented or yeast products, dairy products, refined carbohydrates, or trans fats.
  • Follow the "Foods to Eat" and "Foods to Avoid". 
Antifungal (work up slowly) 

Take one of the following antifungals. Choose either an herbal or pharmaceutical antifungal based on your needs:
  • Candida abX (Apex Energetics)
  • Primal Defense Ultra (Garden of Life)
  • Candida Cleanse (Rainbow Light) 
  • Pau d' arco (Gala Herbs-tincture; Pacific Botanicals-tea) 
  • Nystatin 
  • Diflucan (to jump-start only; then switch to Nystatin)
As I explained previously, pharmaceutical antifungals (Diflucan and Nystatin) are recommended for autoimmune and cancer conditions or if you have severe anxiety and/or depression or mental illness. Diflucan can be taken to give your body a jump-start and kill off systemic fungus at the beginning of your program. After jump-starting with Diflucan, as described below, you can then switch to Nystatin or an herbal antifungal. 

How to take herbal antifungal:

If you are taking the Candida abX, Candida Cleanse, primal Defense Ultra, or pau d'arco (in pill form), start with one capsule or tablet per day and slowly increase the dosage by one capsule or tablet every three days until you reach the dose recommended.

When taking the pau d'arco as a tincture, start with one dropperful and slowly increase the dosage every three days until you reach the dosage recommended. For the tea, start with one cup per day and increase by one cup every three days until you reach three cups.
How to take pharmaceutical antifungal (Nystatin): 

For an adult, dosing of Nystatin is one pill (500,000 units) taken three times a day without food. Take it with food, however, if it upsets your stomach. If you use the powder form (Nilstat), take one-eighth of a teaspoon three times a day orally, either directly on the tongue or mixed with a little water.

How to jump-start with Diflucan (option for those with cancer, autoimmune disease, or mental illness): 

Ask your doctor to prescribe four 250 mg tablets. Take one pill every other day for one week. To find out more, you can check out Treatment For Candida Albicans.